Thursday, June 24, 2010

सुधरते क्यों नहीं लाशों के सौदागर

भोपाल गैस कांड के सबसे बड़े मुजरिम वारेन एंडरसन को भारत से भगाने को लेकर आरोप- प्रत्यारोप का दौर जारी है। इस मामले में एकमात्र जीवित बचे अहम गवाह अर्जुन सिंह की चुप्पी और कांग्रेस महासचिव दिग्विजय सिंह का अपनी ही तत्कालीन केन्द्र सरकार पर अप्रत्यक्ष वार भी मामले को गम्भीर बना रहा है। इस राजनीति के खेल में असल सवाल पीछे छूटते जा रहे हैं और भोपाल के पीड़ितों के जख़्म और हरे होते जा रहे हैं। सवाल यह है कि अगर यह सच सामने आ भी जाए कि एंडरसन को भगाने में किसकी मुख्य भूमिका थी, तो क्या पीड़ितों के जख्म भर जाएंगे? क्या इससे एंडरसन भारत को मिल जाएगा?

मीडिया की रिपोर्ट्स में यह बात तो खुलकर सामने आ गई है कि एंडरसन को भगाने के लिए मध्य प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री अर्जुन सिंह के आदेश थे। लेकिन अकेले अर्जुन सिंह के बल पर एंडरसन भारत छोड़कर नहीं भाग सकता था, जब तक कि केन्द्र सरकार का वरदहस्त उसे हासिल नहीं हो। भले ही आज अर्जुन सिंह उसी तरह का दबाव महसूस कर रहे हों जैसा कि एंडरसन को भगाते वक्त महसूस कर रहे थे, लेकिन एक बात तो साफ है कि अगर अर्जुन सिंह इसके अकेले गुनाहगार होते तो एंडरसन गिरफ्तार ही नहीं हुआ होता। फिर एंडरसन अकेले अर्जुन के दम पर तत्कालीन राष्ट्रपति का मेहमान नहीं बन सकता था।

अब भले ही कांग्रेसजन दलील दें कि तत्कालीन राज्य सरकार ने ही एंडरसन को भागने दिया। लेकिन यह राज्य सरकार थी किसकी ? कांग्रेस की ही न ? तो कांग्रेस अपनी नैतिक जिममेदारी से कैसे मुंह चुरा सकती है ? जो लोग कांग्रेसी कल्चर से वाकिफ हैं वह अच्छी तरह जानते हैं कि उस समय एक कांग्रेसी मुख्यमंत्री की औकात गांधी दरबार में एक थाने के दरोगा से ज्यादा नहीं होती थी और इतना बड़ा फैसला लेने के बाद तो उसका मुख्यमंत्री बने रहना संभव ही नहीं था।

इसलिए एक बात तो साफ है कि एंडरसन को बचाने में तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री राजीव गांधी की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका से इंकार नहीं किया जा सकता, भले ही आरके धवन, जयंती नटराजन और सत्यव्रत चतुर्वेदी कुछ भी सफाई देते रहें। इस बात को ऐसे भी समझा जा सकता है कि अगर अर्जुन सिंह पर दबाव ज्ञानी जैल सिंह की तरफ से होता तो उन्हें जुबान खोलने में एक मिनट भी नहीं लगता। क्योंकि उस समय तक ज्ञानी जी की हैसियत आज से दो साल पहले तक के मनमोहन सिंह से ज्यादा नहीं थी। उनकी चुप्पी ही बयां कर रही है कि उनके ऊपर उस समय भी गांधी (राजीव) का दबाव था और आज भी गांधी ( सोनिया) का दबाव है। वैसे भी अर्जुन सिंह गांधी परिवार के बहुत वफादार रहे हैं इसलिए यह तय है कि वह मरते समय सच बोलकर अपनी जिन्दगी भर की वफादारी पर पानी नहीं फेरेंगे।

यह तो तय होता रहेगा कि एंडरसन को बचाने वाले कौन लोग थे। लेकिन अहम सवाल यह है कि भोपाल के पीड़ितों के साथ लगातार छल कौन कर रहा है? क्या कांग्रेस कर रही है या भाजपा कर रही है? ईमानदार उत्तर यही है कि दोनों ही अपनी ओछी हरकतों से आज भी बाज नहीं आ रहे हैं और दोनों ही छह लाख पीड़ितों के उतने ही गुनाहगार हैं जितना एंडरसन।

यूनियन कार्बाइड को खरीदने वाली डाउ कैमिकल्स को उसकी जिम्मेदारियों से मुक्ति तो मनमोहन सिंह सरकार ने ही दी है जबकि भारतीय जनता पार्टी की सरकार ने अदालत के बाहर यूनियन कार्बाइड से तयशुदा रकम से काफी कम पर समझौता कर लिया। भारत सरकार ने मुआवजे के लिए 3.3 बिलियन अमेरिकी डॉलर का मुकदमा दायर किया था लेकिन वाजपेयी सरकार ने 470 मिलियन अमेरिकी डॉलर पर ही उससे समझौता कर लिया। इतना ही नहीं डाउ कैमिकल्स से भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने चन्दा भी लिया और वह हिन्दुत्व की प्रयोगशाला गुजरात की मोदी टाइप अस्मिता में चार चांद लगा रही है।

आज एंडरसन को भारत लाना जितना जरूरी है उससे ज्यादा पीड़ितों का पुनर्वास और उनका उपचार जरूरी है। क्या कांग्रेस और भाजपा दोनों ही इस बात का उत्तर दे सकती हैं कि पिछले पच्चीस सालों में उनकी सरकारों ने गैस पीड़ितों के उपचार के लिए कितने नए अस्पताल खोले? कितने पीड़ितों को रोजगार मुहैया कराया?

इसलिए बेहतर यही है कि भाजपा और कांग्रेस दोनों ही भोपाल की लाशों पर कम से कम अब तो राजनीति बन्द कर दें। क्योंकि कुदरत अपने तरीके से इंतकाम लेती है। ऊपर वाले की लाठी में आवाज नहीं हैं। सारी दुनिया राजीव गांधी का हश्र देखा है। क्या यह भोपाल के पीड़ितों की आह का असर था? अगर ऐसा है तो लाशों के सौदागरों को सुधर जाना चाहिए।

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

रिश्तों का आइना

अक्सर रिश्तों को रोते हुए देखा है, अपनों की ही बाँहो में मरते हुए देखा है टूटते, बिखरते, सिसकते, कसकते रिश्तों का इतिहास... समाज की कटीली झाडियों के बीच लहूलुहान होते रिश्तों को देखा है। कभी-कभी तो रिश्तों को घर के मुडेर पर ऑक्सीजन और स्लाइन चढ़ते भी देखा है। तमाशबीनों को सरेबाज़ार रिश्तों का चीरहरण करते और रिश्तों की बोली लगाते सुना है। ठेकेदारों को पंचायत में रिश्तों का अंतिम संस्कार करते देखा है.....पर कुछ रिश्ते ऐसे भी हैं जो जन्म से लेकर बचपन जवानी - बुढ़ापे से गुजरते हुए, बड़ी गरिमा से जीते हुए महान हो जाते हैं ! ऐसे रिश्ते सदियों में नजर आते हैं !

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pornography raises its ugly head in Delhi

Pornography, a crime, has crooked into a well-organised ‘business’ these days. Easy and convenient accessibility of obscene MMSs and porn videos is now rather a business that is running in crores in the national capital. It involves, as key players, the whole gang of distributors and consumers working as a syndicate in connivance with the police.
Irrespective of the provisions under Sections 292, 293 and 294 of the IPC, and Section 97 of IT Act, 2000 that can fairly examine the problem, the police stands as a mute witness to the sex business. “As per the law, a person held in this crime once can be imprisoned for five years, and can be penalized with Rs 1 lakh. On being held twice, one can be imprisoned for 10 years and penalized with Rs 2 lakh,” said Shekhar Kumar, an advocate at the Supreme Court. The distributors of such content are increasingly coming up for earning thousands a day, by catering to the target audience of these MMSs, especially the youth. Every week there is a new video released in the market, which, indisputably, is a disgrace for the populace of the country. Such videos attract more consumers because they are named strikingly, somewhat like films. A few of the recent popular MMSs have been named Miranda House, Bengali Girl, Kaushal and Khanna. These are the ones that are currently the main products on sale and purchase in the sex business of Delhi. ‘Miranda House’, which features girls of the same college, is on for sale at an awfully high price. At a cost of just Rs 50, one can easily get his/her mobile phone loaded with the readily available obscene recordings. The sellers have the recordings stored in their computers or laptops and as and when a consumer comes up, they transfer it to his mobile phone through data cable. A reason for the growth of the ‘mobile sex’ market, apart from the crave for money and pleasure, is the myth that common people believe in, which says that an MMS or video if recorded can be deleted as and when required. But unfortunately, as said, it is a myth. A video once recorded in a mobile phone can be easily retrieved back after it is deleted, with the help of a software, which is on hand with the distributors of the MMS business. “Yes, it can easily be done with a software. The deleted videos can simply be retrieved back,” said Manoj Kumar, a mobile software expert. A number of hotels, resorts and other public places in the country act host to this crime. Most are the ones where couples choose to go for their personal gratification, and unknowingly get victimised, generally under the eye of hidden cameras. Some sex rackets have previously been busted in Jodhpur and Rudrapur.
And in Delhi, Karol Bagh’s Laapat Rai market, known for the availability of electronic items, is one of areas from where the MMS business operates. Women are scared to enter this place. The list includes the famous underground Palika Bazaar in Connaught Place and many other small shops in other parts of the city which carry out the process fearlessly. The issue is bound to gain serious concern as the youth of the country is, inevitably, getting addicted to pornography. Psychologists say that it is not easy to pull back the section of the youth captivated to pornographic videos, which is nothing bizzare about the human character.
And in Delhi, Karol Bagh’s Laapat Rai market, known for the availability of electronic items, is one of areas from where the MMS business operates. Women are scared to enter this place. The list includes the famous underground Palika Bazaar in Connaught Place and many other small shops in other parts of the city which carry out the process fearlessly. The issue is bound to gain serious concern as the youth of the country is, inevitably, getting addicted to pornography. Psychologists say that it is not easy to pull back the section of the youth captivated to pornographic videos, which is nothing bizzare about the human character.

L-o-v-e that does not always spells LOVE!

Love, the most fascinating and beautiful emotion has given vent to some legendary stories like Romeo-Juliet, Heer-Ranjha, Laila-Majnu etc. These are old stories, but Jassi and Mitthu’s is a saga of modern love that failed to blossom. It is a story of a mother, who proved crueler than a killer and the story that defied the boundaries of money and social strata.
The story began when Jassi, a rich NRI from Canada came to India, to spend her holidays at her relative, Darshan Singh’s house at Jagraon, near Ludhiana in Punjab. One evening she went to watch a local Kabaddi match and this changed her life forever. There she met Mitthu, a local Kabaddi player, and fell in love with him. Eventually, they started meeting as Mitthu lived close to Darshan Singh’s house. Unaware of the fact that there was a huge social and financial difference between them, Jassi and Mitthu’s love blossomed. This was the beginning of their misfortune. Jassi was a rich NRI whereas Mitthu was an auto driver. Since love knows no boundaries and the same was the case with Jassi and Mitthu, they got married on March 1999 at a local Gurudwara. They also got their marriage registered with the marriage registrar’s office at Baba Bakla in Amritsar. Mitthu’s family happily accepted the marriage. Jassi went back to Canada to convince her family about this marriage. But her mother and her uncle refused to accept this marriage citing the family’s position of pride. Jassi’s uncle wanted her to marry a rich businessman of Canada. Jassi was forced to sign on an affidavit written in Punjabi. The affidavit read that Mitthu had raped her and married her forcefully. This affidavit was faxed to the Punjab police, which registered a case against Mitthu. When Mithhu came to know about this, he started running to save himself from the clutches of police. In that situation only Jassi could have helped him. So, he called her in Canada and related the whole story. Jassi somehow managed to get her passport and reached Punjab immediately. Before the magistrate, she made her statement that she did not understand Punjabi and was forced to sign the affidavit by her mother and uncle. On the basis of her statement, Mitthu was released and the case against him was also dismissed. Mitthu started to live happily with Jassi. But this happiness did not last long. On the fateful night of June 8, 2000, when they were returning home in Ludhiana, some unidentified people attacked them. They almost killed Mitthu, and kidnapped Jassi, whose dead body was found the next day from a field.

The killers were convinced that Mitthu would die but fate had something else in store for him. He survived and was admitted to a hospital in a very critical condition. In the hospital, he came to know about Jassi’s murder and claimed her body for the last rites. But his trauma was not to end there. Since the case involved the murder of an NRI, the police, under tremendous pressure, were desperately trying to find the killers of Jassi. An SIT comprising the then Sangrur DSP Rajbachan Singh Sandhu and Dhuri SHO Swarn Singh was formed to investigate the matter. The SIT started the investigation. Since it was not getting any clues about the killers, it took out the details of calls that were made in that region on that night. This gave them a clue regarding the motive behind Jassi’s killing and also exposed her killers. The story that unfolded was spine-chilling. Jassi’s mother and uncle, who considered the marriage to be a shame for their high-profile family, had conspired to kill both Jassi and Mitthu. Jassi’s uncle had contacted one of his relatives, Darshan Singh, who lived in Malerkotla. Darshan contacted a local Inspector Joginder Singh, who had arranged a local goon Anil Singh to do the job. Anil Singh accepted the deal to kill both for Rs 25 lakh. On June 8, 2000, Anil plotted to kidnap Jassi and took her to his farmhouse where she was made to talk to her mother. She asked for forgiveness but Jassi’s mother refused to do so. She directed Anil to kill her daughter and he did so. Police came to know the whole story when they analysed the phone calls made when Jassi and Mitthu were attacked on June 8. As many as 147 phone calls were made from Canada, of which 3 were to Inspector Joginder Singh, 45 to Anil Singh and 89 to Darshan Singh. This was enough circumstantial evidence to nail these culprits. The SIT arrested 11 persons including Inspector Joginder Singh, Darshan Singh and Anil Singh and charged them with Jassi’s murder. But, they were released on bail soon. Meanwhile, a local girl charged Mitthu of raping her and filed a complaint to the local police in this regard. Mitthu was arrested and put behind bars. The girl, who charged Mitthu with rape, belonged to a very poor family. Her family was taken care of by a local businessman. Incidentally, that businessman was none other than Darshan Singh, who was a co-accused in Jassi’s killing. The police and SIT did their best to bring the killers to justice. Finally, seven persons including Darshan Singh, Anil Singh and Inspector Joginder Singh were sentenced to life imprisonment. But Jassi’s mother and uncle are still free. Police is still trying to extradite them from Canada. Jassi and her dream of a happy life with her beloved met with a tragic end. A film has been made on their love story. National and international media has covered their story extensively, but this has hardly made any difference to the life of Mitthu, who is still in jail waiting for justice. Like all great love stories, this saga too had a sad ending. As the great philosopher Socrates puts it, “The hottest love has the coldest end”.

Monday, January 25, 2010

जन्मभूमि पर जुर्म

आज़ादी के 62 साल बाद भी देश के असल हीरो की कोई सुध लेने वाला नहीं है। जिन लोगों ने देश की आजादी के लिए जान गंवायी उनके खानदान में कोई नामलेवा भी नहीं बचा। ऐसे में उन शहीदों की आवाज को आज कौन ज़िदा रखेगा। लोगों से कहिये तो लोग कहते है गढ़े मुर्दे क्यों उखाड़ते हो भाई ? आज़ादी के बाद देश को चलाने वाले तथाकथित ठेकेदारों से कहिये तो कहेगें...वही पुरानी राग..पिछले ठेकेदारों ने गलत किया है हमने तो फलां-फलां जगह संग्राहलय बनावा दिये है...। अभी चंद रोज़ पहले की बात है देश के दिलेर शेर सिंह यानि् शहीद उधम सिंह के संग्राहलय से खास्ता हाल किसी से नहीं छिपा है। वहां के एक स्थानिय पत्रकार ने संग्राहलय से शहीद उधम सिंह की फोटो और कुछ कागज़ात को अपने साथ ले गये ताकि लोगों को पता चलें की देश की खातिर अपनी जान न्योछावर करने वाले के चंद बेशकिमती निशान को भी संभाल कर नहीं रख सकते। ये तो सिर्फ बानगी है ऐसे कितने शहीद आज भी है जिनका देश अपमान कर रहा है। ये अपमान का जुर्म थमेगा भी या यूं ही.....